OY - Afrofuturistic genre-bending body of sound with a message

Hi there we are OY from Berlin and glad you dropped by!   > deutsch unten

Fanklub is our tool to finally get in touch with YOU directly and unfiltered by big internet moguls and their boring algorithms. You can join the club by contributing a small amount of money to us and will get special insights into our work, our tours and journeys in return. We want to invite you into our world, link you to interesting background information about our songs and videos as well as share articles & music we discover and get inspired by. Of course you will also learn a lot about our processes, our musical activities in other contexts like theater or film, which otherwise remain hidden from you. It is important for us to mention that we want to use the fan club and this unique opportunity for direct connection to you, not to promote ourselves but to share, to get in touch - because that's what's missing on the current platforms: real exchange and real content. More being than appearance is our motto - you’re welcome to join our club!

> Hallo, wir sind OY aus Berlin und freuen uns, dass du vorbeischaust!

Fanklub ist unser Werkzeug, um endlich direkt und ungefiltert von großen Internet Mogulen und ihren langweiligen Algorithmen mit EUCH in Kontakt zu treten. Du kannst dem Club beitreten, indem du uns einen kleinen Betrag spendest und erhältst im Gegenzug besondere Einblicke in unsere Arbeit, unsere Touren und Reisen. Wir wollen dich in unsere Welt einladen, dich mit interessanten Hintergrundinformationen zu unseren Songs und Videos verlinken sowie Artikel und Musik teilen, die wir entdecken und von denen wir uns inspirieren lassen. Natürlich erfahrt ihr auch viel über unsere Prozesse, unsere musikalischen Aktivitäten in anderen Kontexten wie Theater oder Film, die euch sonst verborgen bleiben. Es ist uns wichtig zu erwähnen, dass wir den Fanclub und diese einmalige Möglichkeit der direkten Verbindung zu euch nicht nutzen wollen um uns zu promoten, sondern um uns auszutauschen, in Kontakt zu treten - denn das ist es, was auf den gängigen Plattformen fehlt: echter Austausch und echte Inhalte. Mehr Sein als Schein ist unser Motto - du bist herzlich eingeladen, unserem Club beizutreten!

Welcome to the club

OY seit 08/07/2022
2022 Create your Fanklub
16 Fanklub-Postings

Exclusive posts from OY



An interview with Groove mag we did last summer might give some insight into «when, where, why, what» and «who_are_we_if_you_ask_us?»

GROOVE: Joy and Marcel, you are the two artists behind OY. How did it happen that the two of you started producing music?

Well OY really came to life in Berlin. Joy found the time to concentrate on the project when we moved here together years ago and I joined in shortly after–it immediately became a band. We released our first full album on a small label–it was re-released on an international level via Bruxelles based Crammed Discs a year later. Combining our forces just felt right and luckily it worked.

The looks and costumes of OY are bright, colorful and seem to create a mask that you guys wear on stage. What is your intention behind this look?

Most of all we just like to use a stage to its fullest and also enjoy the transition from the private persons we are into a different character when we go on stage. This actually has a very old tradition in human history, and this transformation helps us to dive deeper into the music–it ideally also invites the audience to follow us. A bit like in theatre and other forms of performing arts we simply love to unify all elements such as lights, visuals, costumes and narrative elements in our concerts.

Your music combines cultural sounds from all over the world. On Place des Clichés, we can hear french vocals, some tracks are mixed with traditional African music and modern electronic beats. What is your source of inspiration, bringing all of these sounds together?

The most honest answer is that we play the music that comes to our minds with as little limitation as possible. We both have a background in electronic music that is basically the music of our generation and is still the most innovative language in the game just now flourishing all over like very refreshingly in hip hop nowadays. We spent a lot of nights dancing in clubs and also performing electronic music live in the early days. Additionally to that we both have an education in Jazz played pretty wildly, experimental, free, as well as Punk music, and later we moved on to more hip hop, pop and indie influenced fields. We both dig contemporary classical music and films scores. The African music part you refer to is just one of those many ingredients and basically the one in which we have the least knowledge in. But on the other hand many of the above mentioned styles have their roots in Black culture and the African heritage. Aside of music we gain inspiration out of books, arts, movies, politics, philosophy and of course everyday life.

Your last Album Space Diaspora feels like a journey to another planet. Where do you want to take your listeners to, and what do you want to show them on this acoustic trip?

On Space Diaspora we tried to explore an utopia in a time when everybody was complaining about a lack of them. There was a sense of emptiness with the old big systems about to come to their end. We decided to do so in a Sci-Fi format and used it in its purest from–so to speak: reflecting on the current state of humans on this planet and its problems but simply mirrored via future times.

This form allows to keep things positive and humorous even though one might speak about serious stuff. OY always has had this tongue in cheek approach we both like. The underlining thought was that in a globalized world, in which we could fill a whole big continent with people who either migrated voluntarily or were displaced, we might need to reconsider the term home. We live in a time of fluidity, and wish that to be celebrated. So not being able to be put into a box, be that of nationality, gender, or in terms of occupation–it implies people have innate multiple perspectives on life–and we need more of those viewpoints to globally move on in intelligent ways.

On what kind of journey do you take the listener with your upcoming album? Do we stay on earth this time?

On the new album that we’re about to release soon and which will definitely will be our strongest work so far we will basically speak about similar topics such as the huge potential of migration, transculturation, but also about what is in the way of living that potential. And this time we will reflect it in the now. We feel that if the world has to come together to solve its problems we also have to move closer to our audience and speak to them more directly. Or as AfroPunk blog once put it: “OY – a new sound that might make the future a little more colorful–if we listen.” And you can already listen to two of our new songs which were released in May.

