For a great start in the weekend, we have decided to tell you about live music, parties and dancing. Perhaps due to the current situation not so easy to actually implement and therefore, not really fair on our part. But whether you plan to head out into the world this weekend, or make yourself comfortable at home, with our next fan moment you can live vicariously through the eyes of Frollein Smilla.
The nine-member band from Berlin released their third album “Great Disaster” in December, which we of course hope to hear live soon. Until then, the following article will hopefully help you through the cold winter:
We would describe the final evening of our one-week Sicily tour in 2019 as unforgettable. After five wonderful days of concerts, we reached the idyllic little town of Patti. This evening, everything worked out perfectly: Although Patti has direct access to the sea, its landscape climbs rapidly together with the rising land masses to create a breathtaking concert setting in the middle of the old town, including several uninhabited volcanic islands in the background. We were welcomed with warm hospitality and a culinary array that still brings a smile to our faces today. We even had enough time to jump into the sea (which is also one of the only two moments in the band’s history where we saw Julius run). And against this backdrop, we prepared for the show in the evening.
Apparently, the news of our previous concerts got around quickly, and so in the evening we faced an incredibly benevolent and celebratory audience. After dancing together with the audience throughout our set, we fired a number of encores. When they had faded away and we announced the end of the show, we were unexpectedly confronted by the audience in German: Suddenly, in a wild cacophony, of: “Neeeeeeein (eee)!. (“Nooooo”, editorial note) With “When We Go” we luckily had one last number ready, which we decided to play acoustically while mingling with the audience. At first people listened so attentively that you could have heared a pin drop, but we had to repeat the ending a couple of times in order to do justice to the fervent chants of all people present.